7/1/02 - Monograph Addresses Key Issues in the Transplant Population

Monograph Addresses Key Issues in the Transplant Population

July 1, 2002


Information: Contact Gus Ostrum at (856) 256-2306

Monograph Addresses Key Issues in the Transplant Population

PITMAN, NJ -- Nephrology Nursing Journal is pleased to announce the publication of its monograph on transplant issues in the June 2002 issue, volume 29, number 3. Transplantation is growing as a modality choice, and nephrology nurses must possess a broad knowledge of issues, ranging from preoperative and postoperative topics to financial concerns, in order to provide effective patient care.

The publication of this monograph truly increases the nephrology nursing knowledge and research in this modality. Serving as Guest Editor for this issue was NNJ Assistant Editor April Zarifian, MSN, RN, CNN, of Tulane Medical Center in New Orleans. Ms. Zarifian coordinated this monograph with members of the American Nephrology Nurses’ Association’s (ANNA’s) Transplant Special Interest Group (SIG) and Transplant SIG chairperson Jean Colaneri, MS, RN, CNN.

We hope that our transplant nurses as well as all other ANNA members benefit from this invaluable resource, Ms. Zarifian stated. ANNA’s commitment and support to the transplant specialty continues to grow, and we hope that the association continues to be the organization of choice for transplant nurses!” Nephrology Nursing Journal is the official publication of ANNA.

Key Topics in This Monograph

A variety of topics are covered that are relevant to all phases of caring for the transplant population. The articles include:

  • The Patient with Progressive Renal Insufficiency and a Failing Renal Transplant: A Unique Practice Challenge, by Clara D. Neyhart (see pages 115-128);
  • Polyoma Virus in Renal Transplant Recipients, by Patricia D. Weiskittel (see pages 135-138);
  • A Model for Nurse-Led Skin Cancer Surveillance Following Renal Transplantation, by Sarah M. Reece and co-authors (see pages 145-147);
  • Update in Immunosuppression, by Robert Huizinga (see pages 149-155);
  • Herbal Medicine and the Transplant Patient, by Diane Allen and Jenny Bell (see pages 157-162);
  • Anonymous Donation: A Transplant Center’s Experience, by Heather Mitzel and Michele Snyder (see pages 163-165); and
  • Financial Aspects of Organ Transplantation, by Sharon E. Ehlers (see pages 174-179).

In addition, a host of departments addresses other key transplant topics, including the Case Study, Clinical Consult, Book and Media Reviews, Journal Club, and Professional Issues columns. For copies of the Transplant Monograph, June 2002 issue, call the ANNA National Office at (856) 256-2320.


ANNA is a professional nursing association composed of more than 12,000 nephrology nurses. The association is dedicated to advancing nephrology nursing practice and positively influencing outcomes for patients with kidney or other disease processes requiring replacement therapies through advocacy, scholarship, and excellence.