ANNA American Nephrology Nurses Association

Improving Member & Patient Lives

through education, advocacy, networking, and science.

ATTENTION: Website Maintenance is Complete

The recent update to is now complete! All features and functionalities are back to normal and the website is operating at full capacity.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we implemented these changes. 

If you have any questions or encounter any unexpected issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or 888-600-2662. 

Together we can do so much!

Since it was established as a nonprofit organization in 1969, ANNA has been serving members who span the nephrology nursing spectrum. ANNA is committed to advancing the nephrology nursing specialty and nurturing every ANNA member. We achieve these goals by providing the highest quality educational products, programs, and services.


Includes 67 chapters, 8 committees, 55 student members, and 9 specialty practice networks

Contact Hours

Our members completed 36,741 contact hours in 2021 which is 7% more than 2020.

Awards, Scholarships & Grants

In 2022, we offered $111,050 worth of awards, scholarships, and grants to our members.

Clinical Practice Resources

ANNA has specialized tools for your clinical practice and membership needs!

Annual Leadership Opportunities

There are many ways for members to get involved in the organization from our Specialty Practice Networks (SPNs), Chapters, Committees, to service on the Board of Directors.

Local Chapters

Chapters provide members with educational programs and leadership opportunities at the local level and an opportunity to provide input into national issues.

Corporate-Plus Members