Member Spotlight

Welcome to ANNA's monthly member spotlight. ANNA is a vibrant organization because of nurses like you! Your diverse experiences and unique perspectives make us a collective whole that is a masterpiece. We are proud of the work each of you do!

If you would like to be featured, participate in our online community, ANNA Connected. Members are featured in the Member Spotlight based on their engagement in ANNA Connected, so start connecting, talking, and getting to know other ANNA members via ANNA Connected.

Headshot of Kristin

Kristin Beth Uebel, MBA, MM, HEA, BSN, RN, CNN

Chicago, Illinois
Windy City Chapter, #305



How long have you been a nurse?

I have been a nurse for 28 years.

How long have you been in nephrology? 

I have been in Nephrology for 21 years.

What is unique about nephrology nursing?

Nephrology nursing has provided me career advancement and opportunities that other areas of Nursing may not have. It allows a sense of autonomy while collaborating with a multidisciplinary team that focuses on patient care. Most nurses do not realize that Nephrology nursing is a specialty that has so many different modalities to chose from. 

What do you value the most about your ANNA membership? 

ANNA provides great networking opportunities allowing continuing education and career development. I have been actively involved as a local chapter officer and also in a national committee. I feel a sense of inclusion and value in the ANNA community.

What would you tell a newly practicing nurse about nephrology?

Even though they teach you very little about nephrology in nursing school, it is the best kept secret. Nephrology nursing allows career advancement opportunities that other areas do not offer.

Because nephrology nursing is a small community, it provides that sense of belonging and support. There are multiple modalities and different care areas to chose from. Patient care and education along with increasing community awareness is a goal of nephrology nursing.

When I first became a nephrology nurse, I was shocked at how many patients were affected by kidney disease. It was then that I made the decision to help increase community awareness in kidney disease prevention.