Member Spotlight

Welcome to ANNA's monthly member spotlight. ANNA is a vibrant organization because of nurses like you! Your diverse experiences and unique perspectives make us a collective whole that is a masterpiece. We are proud of the work each of you do!

If you would like to be featured, participate in our online community, ANNA Connected. Members are featured in the Member Spotlight based on their engagement in ANNA Connected, so start connecting, talking, and getting to know other ANNA members via ANNA Connected.

Headshot of Amber

Amber Paulus, PhD, RN, CPHQ

Richmond, Virginia
Old Dominion #279



How long have you been a nurse?

12 years.

How long have you been in nephrology? 

9 years

What is unique about nephrology nursing?

Nephrology nursing is unique due to its diverse practice settings. Nurses can work in various roles and care settings, including academia, CKD clinics, acute care hospitals, transplant, outpatient dialysis centers, home dialysis, value-based care and regulatory and quality-focused positions. The depth and breadth of opportunities within nephrology nursing allow for continuous reinvention and advancement in patient care while remaining within the specialty.

What do you value the most about your ANNA membership? 

Access to the various resources available to members including NNJ, free CEs, and social networking platforms including ANNA Connected.

Do you have a favorite patient story?

Since entering the nephrology specialty, I've been consistently impressed by individuals with personal experience with kidney disease (i.e., patients) desire to become advocates and positively impact kidney care in this country. In 2020, I wrote a Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) grant, which allowed me to partner with patients in disseminating evidence on advance care planning, patient engagement, mental health, and care coordination. Hearing firsthand from patients about what is important to them regarding these topics was profoundly impactful. Their willingness to share their experiences and vulnerabilities has influenced how I conduct research today.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working as a nurse

Hanging out with my family, writing, and cooking fun recipes.

Share an Interesting Fact About Yourself: 

Hanging out with my family, writing, and cooking fun recipes.

What would you tell a newly practicing nurse about nephrology?

Attend a conference and push yourself to step outside your comfort zone. Say yes to opportunities that challenge you and go beyond what you would traditionally do. These experiences can lead to new and unexpected adventures.