3/5/02 - American Nephrology Nurses' Association Announces National, Regional Election Results

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March 5, 2002


Information: Contact Janet D'Alesandro at (856) 256-2422

American Nephrology Nurses’ Association Announces National, Regional Election Results

PITMAN, NJ –– Caroline S. Counts, MSN, RN, CNN, has been chosen as national president-elect of the American Nephrology Nurses’ Association (ANNA). Ms. Counts’ responsibilities will include serving as a liaison between the Board of Directors and assigned committees, coordinating all functions of ANNA with the president, and assuming the president’s role in her absence. Ms. Counts is a nephrology nurse specialist for Dialysis Clinic, Inc. in Charleston, SC.

Barbara Prowant, MS, RN, CNN, was elected as national secretary and is responsible for all meeting minutes, correspondence, task lists/progression, and making sure all policies and procedures are up-to-date and in compliance. Ms. Prowant is a research associate in the Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Missouri-Columbia.

In the regional contests, Glenda M. Payne, MS, RN, CNN, ESRD Team Leader for the Health Facility Compliance Division of the Texas Department of Health in Arlington, TX, ran unopposed for the position of Southeast Region vice president. Lynda K. Ball, BS, BSN, RN, CNN, nurse manager, clinical education at Puget Sound Kidney Centers in Mountlake Terrace, WA, was elected to serve as Western Region vice president. Regional vice presidents are responsible for the day-to-day management of ANNA activities within a delineated geographical area. They serve as liaisons between local, regional, and national members, as well as between the Board of Directors, committees, and special projects.

Also in the Western Region, Gerri M. Lewis, BSN RN, CNN, account executive for Baxter Healthcare in Inland Empire, CA, was named chapters coordinator-elect (CCE). Nida Quirong-Jones, RN, CNN, home dialysis program coordinator for Albert Einstein Medical Center in Philadelphia, PA, was elected Northeast Region CCE.

In the Southeast Region, Avis K. Allen, MSN, RN, CNN, nurse manager, acute dialysis/vascular access, at the Medical College of Virginia Hospitals & Physicians in Richmond, VA, was named Southeast Region CCE. Molly Cahill, RN, CNN, a nurse clinician for Nancy Birenboim, MD, FACP, Inc., was elected as North Central Region CCE.

CCEs coordinate and supervise regional chapter activities, report to the regional vice president, serve as the vice presidents of respective regional corporations, and are also members of appropriate committees.

The newly-elected candidates will assume their respective offices at the conclusion of ANNA’s 33rd National Symposium in Orlando, FL, May 23-26, 2002. For more information on ANNA, visit the association’s Web site at www.annanurse.org.


ANNA is a professional nursing association composed of more than 12,000 nephrology nurses. The association is dedicated to advancing nephrology nursing practice and positively influencing outcomes for patients with kidney or other disease processes requiring replacement therapies through advocacy, scholarship, and excellence.