Health Policy

Health Policy

Advocacy is one of the strategic issues identified in ANNA's Strategic Plan. ANNA is a leading advocate for nephrology nursing and advocates on behalf of individuals, families, and communities affected by kidney disease. ANNA works closely with partners in the kidney and nursing communities to raise awareness about kidney disease and to educate state and federal policymakers about the vital role nurses play in patient care.

ANNA coordinates activities such as the Advocacy Forum to provide opportunities for both members and legislators to learn about health policy and issues that affect nursing practice in general and nephrology nursing practice in particular.

ANNA maintains the ANNA Legislative Action Center so that members can communicate quickly and easily with their elected representatives about issues that affect nephrology nursing practice.

ANNA develops Position Statements on issues important to nephrology nurses and their patients and provides resources and tools to assist members in their advocacy efforts.

Health Policy Agenda

ANNA works independently and as a member of coalitions at the federal level to identify and respond to health policy issues that affect the practice of nephrology nurses and the individuals for whom they provide care.

Health Policy Agenda 


Health Policy Statement

As a professional organization, ANNA has the obligation to set and update standards of patient care, educate practitioners, stimulate research and disseminate findings, promote interdisciplinary communication and cooperation, and address issues that may impact nephrology nursing practice.

This Health Policy Statement represents the ANNA viewpoint on major health policy issues relevant to the treatment of people with kidney disease and the practice of professional nephrology nursing. This document serves to give ANNA direction as legislative and regulatory issues are addressed at the local, state, and national levels. This document has been developed based on a comprehensive review of current issues and with input from ANNA members and leaders.

Download the Health Policy Statement


ANNA Advocacy & Health Policy Handbook

The ANNA Advocacy & Health Policy Handbook is a valuable resource to assist members in understanding how nurses can advocate for their patients and fellow nurses.

Advocacy & Health Policy Handbook


State Nurse Practice Act Summary Sheet

The most important legal document for nursing is your state nurse practice act. It is every nurses' responsibility to know the rules that regulate their practice.

Use the State Nurse Practice Act Summary Sheet to identify items that impact each RN practice, including: 

  • Understanding the composition of your BON, APRN level of practice
  • Identify those tasks only an RN may perform and therefore cannot be delegated
  • Specific delegation authority for those in a dialysis setting

We have prepared a list of questions that will help you understand your state practice law.

Note: Nurse Practice Acts (NPA) vary considerably by state. Your state’s NPA can be located at the National Council of State Boards of Nursing website: In addition to the NPA, information may be found in:

  • Position Statements
  • State Licensure Rules for ESRD Facilities
  • Physician Practice Acts

To find the level of practice allowed to Advanced Practice RNs, see:

Review the Questions

Once you have completed the answers, share them with your chapter members and report the information to ANNA's Health Policy Committee.

Report for Your State


End-Stage Kidney Disease Briefing Book

The ESKD Brief presents in lay terms the basics of end stage kidney disease (ESKD) and is an excellent resource to use when educating legislators about ESKD. The Brief provides an overview of chronic kidney disease, causes, complications, treatment options, and access to care issues. (3 pages)  

Download the ESKD Brief