President's Message
Nephrology Nurses Lead with Light

Nephrology Nurses Lead with Light by focusing on leadership, innovation, and inclusion. Nephrology nurses are beacons of light, leading to a brighter future for individuals living with kidney disease, and a brighter future for the nurses who will be caring for them.
All nurses are leaders because leadership is not about the titles you hold. Leadership is about the choices we make, and the actions that we take. Leaders role model what it means to be inspiring, creative, motivating, and collaborative. Leaders set the stage for the team to be successful and encourage individual members to be the best versions of themselves.
As nursing continues to face challenges, we must collectively advocate for stronger and better policies to protect, develop, and grow our nursing workforce. Alone, advocating seems like a big task. Collaboratively with ANNA and our nursing community, we have the influence and strength to bring about the changes we want to see.
Often innovation is linked to research and technology. Although these are exciting and bring hope, this is not the only example of innovation. Innovation is also finding creative ways to meet needs, problem solving to provide the best care for individuals with kidney disease and developing new systems to address old problems.
Nurses are creative every day in order to accomplish our work. It is important to see the value of our innovations and share what we have learned and created. By sharing our ideas, we are shining light on issues, helping other colleagues find their way, and becoming stronger as a profession. You never know how your idea will spark an idea in someone else and make a ripple that impacts their patients, colleagues, and the larger nursing community.
There are many analogies used to describe inclusion and belonging. These concepts are related and not the same. Inclusion is like being asked to the table, and belonging is being asked for an opinion. The goal of inclusion is representation in the room, and the larger goal is to also include multiple voices and perspectives which is the result of truly belonging.
As I begin my year serving as the 55th ANNA National President, I am also aware that I am the first Asian American, the first person of Filipino descent, to be elected to this role. ANNA is a wonderful community. I encourage us to continue to support and mentor each other so that our future leaders represent our membership and communities. I encourage us to work together so that ANNA is a place where we all feel included and seen as our authentic selves. Then our association can continue to celebrate more “firsts” as well as seconds and thirds in the years ahead.
Nancy Colobong Smith, MN, ARNP, ANP-BC, CNN
2024-2025 ANNA President