The American Nephrology Nurses Association (ANNA) is dedicated to serving our members and to creating the high-quality NCPD, educational programming, and leadership resources that Nephrology Nurses need to grow their careers. As a result of inflation and increasing operating costs, that level of quality and support is no longer sustainable at the current rate.
After carefully considering our expenses, the needs of our members, and our goals as an organization, new rates will be implemented as of July 1st, 2024. To accommodate as many budgets as possible, we will offer 2 payment options: $125/year or $12/month. Both options will get full access to the benefits of ANNA membership including:
access to the Nephrology Nursing Journal and the Online Library
discounted rates on NCPD and event registration
networking opportunities and more.
This increase will enable us to ensure that membership to ANNA remains an invaluable resource for Nephrology Nurses wishing to grow their careers. ANNA will continue to lead by creating high-quality NCPD – much of which you can still access for free or at reduced cost, we will continue to create opportunities for networking and connecting with other Nephrology Nurses, and we will continue to advocate for Nephrology Nurses and our patients at the local, state, and national levels.
The current rate of $80 per year will remain in effect through June 30, 2024, so if you act now and renew your membership before then you will save $45 over the new rate. Your membership does NOT need to be expiring before June 30th for you to take advantage of the discount. Your renewal period will be added on to the end of your current membership so even if you just renewed in December 2023, if you renew again now, instead of your membership expiring in December 2024, it will expire in December of 2025 - giving you almost 2 full years before the new rate will apply.
Ready to renew your membership?
Want more info? Check out our FAQ below:
Why is the price increasing?
ANNA is dedicated to serving our members and to creating the high-quality NCPD, educational programming, and leadership resources that Nephrology Nurses need to grow their careers. As a result of inflation and increasing operating costs, that level of quality and support is no longer sustainable at the current rate.
After carefully considering our costs, the needs of our members, and our goals as an organization, new rates will be implemented as of July 1, 2024. To accommodate as many budgets as possible, we are offering 2 payment options: $125/year or $12/month. Both options get full access to the benefits of ANNA membership including:
- access to the Nephrology Nursing Journal and the Online Library
- discounted rates on NCPD and event registration
- networking opportunities and more.
What are the new membership rates?
To accommodate as many budgets as possible, ANNA will be introducing 2 payment options for membership. You can join for a full year at $125 or you can join monthly at $12/month.
When are the new rates going into effect?
The new membership rates go into effect on July 1st, 2024.
When is the last day I can renew at the current rate?
The last day to renew at $80 is June 30th, 2024, after that rates change to $125/year or $12/month.
Who is responsible for determining the membership price?
As the elected leaders of ANNA, the Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring ANNA remains financially stable while continuing to meet our member’s needs. This includes all decisions regarding membership dues, including price.
Do I have to renew before July 1st if my membership expires after that?
No, you can wait until closer to your membership expiration date, but if you choose to wait, you will lose out on saving at least $45 by renewing at our current rates.
What is the benefit of renewing now?
If you renew now, you’ll save at least $45, plus a full year of membership will be added to your existing membership, meaning you won’t have to renew again until at least 2025!
Why is ANNA still worth it?
Membership in ANNA continues to be an invaluable resource for Nephrology Nurses wishing to grow their careers. ANNA continues to lead by creating high-quality NCPD – much of which you can access for free or at reduced cost, we will continue to create opportunities for networking and connecting with other Nephrology Nurses, and we will continue to advocate for Nephrology Nurses and our patients at the local, state, and national levels.