Candidate for Director
Marijo Johnson, MSN, RN, CNN
Job Position and Professional Responsibilities:
My nursing practice is based on a foundation of educating and delivering care with empathy, compassion, and respect. I've been a nephrology nurse for fifteen years and focused on providing education to slow disease progression, assisting with informed decision making at late-stage disease, and caring for those choosing home dialysis. My passion for home dialysis stems from my love for assisting others with owning their personal healthcare and developing self-advocacy.
I currently work at the Department of Veteran Affairs and am eager to bring chronic kidney disease education to peers and recipients within this system.
Describe your qualifications for this role, and include past ANNA leadership positions:
I am committed to the dissemination of nephrology nursing education, evidence-based practice, and the process of life-long learning. I believe collaboration is key to learning from one another and developing a process of ongoing quality improvement and safety. The American Nephrology Nurses Association (ANNA) offers a platform for nurses to excel through the process of networking and learning from one another. Participation on multiple ANNA's committees has allowed me to grow and develop my professional practice and leadership abilities. As an active ANNA member and leader, I have learned to use my voice to advocate for the nephrology nursing profession and the people I serve in my practice. I have diverse knowledge and experience in leadership, education, and practice. The allows me to see nephrology nursing through various lenses and address complex issues using a holistic approach. I am eager to continue to use my knowledge, skills, and experience to serve ANNA members.
Michigan Nephrology Nurses Association
Membership: 2013-Present
Past President (2013-2015)
Health Policy Representative (2015 –2017)
American Nephrology Nurses Association
Membership 2013- Present
Leadership Committee Member (2023-present)
Awards and Scholarships Committee Chair (2022-2023
Awards and Scholarships Chair Designate (2021-2022)
Health Policy Committee Member (2020-2021)
Conference planning committee (2015-2019)
Manuscript review committee (2015-2017)
Home Therapies SPN: Peritoneal Dialysis Best Practice Advisor (2018-2019)
Contemporary Nephrology Nursing, 4th Edition. Reviewer, Chapter 53: Social Determinants of Heath
Nephrology Nursing Certification Review Guide, 6th Edition. Reviewer
Describe your role in three ANNA projects/activities which support(ed) ANNA’s mission, goals, and objectives:
I worked on the conference planning committee and presented at several conferences to assist with providing education and evidence-based practice to ANNA members. I am dedicated to improving the quality of care for nephrology recipients through ongoing education for myself and others. I am passionate about home dialysis and strive to share innovative approaches to care through educating ANNA members.
I am an advocate for patients and nephrology nurses. I was awarded the Nurse in Washington scholarship and proceeded to Capitol Hill to meet with legislators on important topics, such as staffing and quality care for nephrology patients. This opportunity taught me much about advocacy through the legislative system and encouraged me to find my voice, independently write letters to congress, and travel to Washington D. C. on additional occasions to advocate for those we serve and our profession.
I participated in reviewing the Nephrology Nursing Scope and Standards of Practice, Contemporary Nephrology Nursing, 4th Edition, Chapter 53: Social Determinants of Heath, and the Nephrology Nursing Certification Review Guide, 6th Edition. This process provided me with professional growth, networking, and assisting with the dissemination of education and information to others so that quality care is at the forefront of nephrology nursing.