Candidate for Director

Maryam Lyon, MSN, RN, CNNe

Headshot of Maryam Lyon

Dialysis Facility Surveyor for the National Dialysis Accreditation Commission

Job Position and Professional Responsibilities:

Job position and professional responsibilities am a dialysis facility surveyor for the National Dialysis Accreditation Commission.  I   completed comprehensive evaluations to ensure that healthcare facilities comply with all state and federal regulations and guidelines for providing dialysis services. Completing CMS surveys fulfills my passion for promoting safe, quality patient care. My roles have included acute hemodialysis manager, Clinical Director of four in-center dialysis, and education coordinator. I have been in leadership roles throughout my nephrology career. My most important motivation is patient advocacy. The ANNA mission, vision, and core values align perfectly with my personal practice philosophy.

Describe your qualifications for this role, and include past ANNA leadership positions:

I believe my leadership experience in association with ANNA and my professional experience has provided me with the tools to be a committed, effective, engaged, and creative National Director. I have the flexibility and time required to fulfill the requirements of the role description. I have held several local, regional, and national offices. Past roles in ANNA include being a member of the Health Policy committee, Awards & Scholarship committee chair, Leadership development team, ANNA Chapter Support Team chair and DEI committee. Reviewer for several ANNA publications, most recently Contemporary Nephrology Nursing (2022). Member of Nephrology Nursing Journal manuscript review panel. Presented on Nephrology related topics at meetings of diverse organizations. Volunteered with the National Kidney Foundation. Former member of Amgen's Speaker's Bureau. Member of the Task force for the State of Ohio Dialysis Technician Certification law and rules development. This initiative served as a model for the CMS regulations for Dialysis Technicians. Member of the Ohio Board of Nursing from 2010-2018, serving as Board President from 2014-2016.

Describe your role in three ANNA projects/activities which support(ed) ANNA’s mission, goals, and objectives:

ACST leader:

I believe that the future of ANNA depends on our ability to recruit and develop leaders embracing the individual talents of every member. I have been a recruiter of leaders both in leadership roles and cheerleader for potential future growth. As ACST leader I worked to revise STAR points categories and point allocation, encouraging the chapters to showcase their successes. I participated in facilitation of ANNA Chapters retention, revision of FAST 15, chapter officer education modules.

Health Policy and Advocacy Committee:

I believe that it is critical for ANNA to continue the organizations' involvement in Health Care Policies that have the potential to impact Nephrology Nurses and the patients we serve. Health Policy and advocacy is a passion for me. As a member of the Health Policy Committee, I participated in the revision of the ESRD Handbook. I was a member of the Ohio Board of Nursing for eight years, serving as president 2016-2018.

I believe nurses must be active with their board of nursing and advocate for full practice authority, for nurses to work to their full scope of training. I believe ANNA must continue its advocacy efforts around nursing and delegation. 

DEI Committee:

ANNA is actively making changes to the organizational culture around diversity. While I applaud their efforts. I believe there is more work to be done. As a current member of the DEI committee, I assisted in developing the DEI statement.