Candidate for Director

James Thoms

James Thoms, MSN, RN, CDN

Job Position and Professional Responsibilities:

Hello, my name is James Thoms.  I am a hemodialysis nurse from Watertown, South Dakota. I am running on common sense.  In my opinion, ANNA is going in the wrong direction, and I would like to course correct by removing the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion agenda. I understand that this may be an unpopular view, but the DEI agenda is very divisive and will destroy the "House of ANNA". I would be proud to aid the membership as a servant leader working to keep ANNA a place where networking can happen as professionals without censorship of ideas.

Describe your qualifications for this role, and include past ANNA leadership positions:

First, and formost, I am dedicated to this organization and want the best for it.

I have been a dialysis nurse for over 20 years and an active participant in ANNA leadership for 15 of them. I have fulfilled chapter and national positions since 2008: 

  • Chapter Treasurer, Greater MN #329 2022- Curent
  • Chapter President, Greater MN #329 2021 – Apr. 2022
  • ANNA Chapter Support Team (ACST) Chair, Apr. 2020 – April 2021
  • ANNA Chapter Support Team (ACST) Chair-designate Apr. 2019 – Apr. 2020
  • ANNA Chapter Support Team Leader (ACST), Apr. 2018 – 2019
  • Chapter President, Greater MN #329 2016 – Apr. 2017
  • Chapter President-elect, Greater MN #329 2015- Apr. 2016
  • Health Policy Representative, Greater MN #329 2014- Apr. 2015
  • VLW Planning Taskforce- 2014- Dec. 2015
  • Health Policy Representative, Greater MN #329 2013 – Apr. 2014
  • Chapter President, Greater MN #329 2012 – Apr. 2013
  • Chapter President-elect, Greater MN #329 2011- Apr. 2012
  • Health Policy Representative, Greater MN #329 2010 – Apr. 2011
  • Chapter President, Greater MN #329 2009 – Apr. 2010
  • Chapter President-elect, Greater MN #329 2008- Apr. 2009

I have my Masters Degree in nursing with a focus on leadership and management. While I did want a management position in dialysis, my aspiration is to help lead and direct the organization that I love, and restore it to the professional networking fellowship.

Describe your role in three ANNA projects/activities which support(ed) ANNA’s mission, goals, and objectives:

As a chapter officer I have been involed in implementing all day conferences, in-person, and virtual meetings to promote scholarship, education and networking.

In the ACST role, I assisted chapters in meeting recharter requirements and encouraged them to keep communication lines open both up and down stream to maximize participation.

As the chair of the ACST team,  I was also able to mentor leaders to develop skills and encourage these leaders through a time when stress was high and the world was shut down.