Say Hello to Our New Brand: Inspired by You, Shaped for the Future!

ANNA's New Logo a pair of kidneys surrounded by a globe being held aloft by a set of hands, ANNA, American Nephrology Nurses Association
Say Hello to Our New Brand: Inspired by You, Shaped for the Future!

We are thrilled to announce a new chapter in the journey of the American Nephrology Nurses Association (ANNA). Today, we unveil our fresh and dynamic new brand, designed to embody the spirit, dedication, and global impact of our incredible community of nurses.


Why We Updated Our Brand

As we continue to grow and evolve, it’s essential that our brand reflects our commitment to innovation and excellence. Our decision to update the ANNA brand was driven by a desire to modernize our look and better connect with the new generation of nurses. We want our brand to resonate with you—our passionate, dedicated members—while also appealing to new and aspiring nurses who are considering joining our community.

The Story Behind Our New Brand Elements

Our new logo and visual identity incorporate meaningful elements that represent the core of who we are and what we do:

The kidney symbolizes the vital work our nurses perform in nephrology. It’s a tribute to your expertise, care, and the lifesaving impact you have on patients every day. The globe signifies the global scale of kidney disease and the international solidarity amongst Nephrology Nurses. It’s a reminder that we are part of a worldwide effort to combat kidney disease and improve patient outcomes across the globe. The hands represent the support, compassion, and care that our nurses provide to their patients.

Our new brand is not just a logo; it’s a celebration of our mission, our values, and the remarkable community we’ve built together. We believe it captures the essence of who we are and where we’re headed, and we couldn’t be more excited to share it with you.

Join Us in Celebrating!

We invite you to explore our new brand and join us in celebrating this exciting milestone. Visit our website to see the new logo in action, and follow us on social media for updates, stories, and special content that highlights the impact of our members around the world.

Thank you for your continued dedication and support. Together, we are making a difference in the lives of kidney patients and shaping the future of nephrology nursing.

Here’s to a bright and inspiring future!