Member Spotlight

Welcome to ANNA's monthly member spotlight. ANNA is a vibrant organization because of nurses like you! Your diverse experiences and unique perspectives make us a collective whole that is a masterpiece. We are proud of the work each of you do!

If you would like to be featured, participate in our online community, ANNA Connected. Members are featured in the Member Spotlight based on their engagement in ANNA Connected, so start connecting, talking, and getting to know other ANNA members via ANNA Connected.

Headshot of Dean Baron

Dean Baron, BSN, RN, CNN

Maywood, Illinois

Windy City Chapter #30



How long have you been a nurse?

I have been a nurse for 30 years

How long have you been in nephrology?

20 years

What is unique about nephrology nursing?

What sets nephrology apart is the diverse age range of patients we care for, spanning from children to the elderly. One of the most rewarding aspects is the immediate impact we witness – from encountering a patient in the ER, overloaded, in distress, to administering dialysis and witnessing their improvement before our eyes.

What do you value you the most about your ANNA membership?

My membership with ANNA offers me a wealth of benefits. I gain access to invaluable educational resources and conferences, which enhance my knowledge of my specialty and allow me to network with other professionals to share best practices. Additionally, ANNA gives recognition to members through prestigious awards and scholarships.

Do you have a favorite patient story?

One day, I was at the grocery store, a kid came up to me and said, "Thank you for helping my dad." I asked her who her dad was. Then, a man walked over and shook my hand, saying, "I was your patient in the hospital. Thank you for taking good care of me." At first, I couldn't remember him, but when he mentioned he had a kidney transplant, it all came back to me and I remembered him. This made me feel really proud to be a nurse, knowing I've made a difference in people's lives.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working as a nurse?

I really enjoy cooking and baking. Making meals for my family, friends, and coworkers makes me really happy. I also like taking care of my garden and houseplants. It helps me relax and feel close to nature, especially after a long day at work.

Share an interesting fact about yourself.

In 2022, I received the National Kidney Foundation Council of Nephrology Nurses & Technicians (CNNT). Before working as a Nurse, I worked a short order cook in a Japanese restaurant.

What would you tell a newly practicing nurse about nephrology nursing?  

Nephrology nursing offers a rewarding experience as you'll care for a diverse range of patients with kidney-related issues. Since kidney disease is often chronic, you'll have the opportunity to form strong bonds with your patients over time. It's a career path where you can make a significant impact on people's lives and create lasting connections. Nephrology nursing is really a career of a lifetime.