Candidate for National President-Elect

Faith Lynch

Faith Lynch, DNP, RN, CNN

Job Position and Professional Responsibilities:

Senior Director of Nursing, Dialysis Operations; NYU Langone Health-Long Island

My primary responsibilities include overseeing the daily operations of an inpatient and outpatient/home dialysis unit and ensure that staff provides safe, quality patient care using evidence based practice. I have experience in Acute, chronic, and home hemodialysis. I have been in leadership for the last 10 years and am an advocate for safe staffing, specialty nursing certification, and adoption of technology in the dialysis setting.

Describe your qualifications for this role, and include past ANNA leadership positions:

I feel I am qualified for this position, as I am certified in Nephrology Nursing with 16 years of experience, 10 of those have been in leadership. I hold a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree in healthcare systems leadership. I have served ANNA at both the national and chapter level. I have actively supported ANNA's mission and vision of improving members' lives through education, advocacy, networking, and science and influencing kidney health through the expertise of nephrology nurses. I have given multiple presentations at ANNA's national and chapter meetings. I have represented ANNA on multiple platforms in regards to COVID-19 and Acute Care with NKF, ASN, HHS, ESRD Network, and EDTNA. I co-authored two chapters in the seventh Edition of the Core Curriculum for Nephrology Nursing, co-authored a chapter in ANNA's newest edition of Contemporary Nephrology Nursing, served as a reviewer for ANNA's fifth Edition of Nephrology Nursing Certification Review Guide, as well as a presenter for the Acute Therapies module for the Certification Review Course.  

My national roles include National Director which I am currently serving from 22-24, Chair of Specialty Practice Network (SPN), Chair-Designate of Specialty Practice Network (SPN), as well as past Acute Care SPN Leader. My chapter roles include President (3 terms), President-elect, and Secretary for the Long Island Chapter #122. 

I believe my experience as a professional nurse and a leader in both acute, chronic dialysis, home dialysis and within our ANNA organization have prepared me to serve on the Board of Directors as President-Elect.

Describe your role in three ANNA projects/activities which support(ed) ANNA’s mission, goals, and objectives:


I have provided quality education to the members of ANNA by co-authoring chapters in multiple textbooks, served as a reviewer for multiple publications, provided speaker presentations/webinars, and advocated for student nurses to come into nephrology nursing. I have also led educational meetings for my local chapter. 


Leadership is a passion of mine. I believe it is the prerogative of leaders to not only provide a structure and framework for their nurses, but to demonstrate it too. A good leader adapts and respond to evolving situations while always putting the team first and making sure the team knows they are valued.  I have served ANNA by taking on multiple leadership roles. I led the Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Workshop for the SPN's for 2021. I have had much success volunteering for ANNA on both the national and chapter levels developing my leadership skills and advocating for nephrology nursing.


Collaboration is one of the most important aspects of nephrology nursing. We are one of the only invasive procedures that a nurse carries out without a physician present. I have represented ANNA in a wide variety of collaborative activities that foster a positive public image for nephrology nurses. This includes presentations on a national and international stage discussing the innovation and commitment of dialysis nurses in this nursing organization. I have collaborated with the Leadership committee to be part of one of the Way into Nephrology Nursing (WINN) webinars to promote nephrology nursing to students and new grads.