Journal Articles
Past Issues
Electronic Edition Archive
An archive of the Nephrology Nursing Journal (2014 to current) is available to ANNA members via the Electronic Edition. To access the archive, log into the current electronic edition, click on the menu icon at the top left, and choose "Archive" or "Contents View".
Electronic Edition with Archive
Article Archive in ANNA Online Library
Nephrology Nursing Journal articles (2000 to current) are available in the ANNA Online Library. ANNA members have free access to the journal articles. Nonmembers can access journal content for a fee.
Journal Article Archive in the Online Library
Features/Open Access
The following featured articles were published in Nephrology Nursing Journal. These articles have been selected as noteworthy or of particular interest to the nursing community. Full access to featured articles is available for a limited time. Nephrology Nursing Journal is published six times a year and a benefit of ANNA membership. To receive the journal, please join ANNA or subscribe by clicking on one of the options above.
Collaborative Initiatives
- Working Together to Promote Kidney Health (July/August 2024)
Nephrology Nursing Journal Celebrates 50th Anniversary
- An Interview with Angela Kurosaka, President of the American Nephrology Nurses Association, 2022-2023 (March/April 2023)
- An Interview with Jennifer Payton, President of the American Nephrology Nurses Association, 2023-2024 (March/April 2023)
- Home Dialysis, Is It Worth It? (March/April 2023)
- From the Editor-in-Chief ~ Celebrating the 50th Year of Publication of the Nephrology Nursing Journal (aka The Journal of the American Association of Nephrology Nurses and Technicians, AANNT Journal, ANNA Journal) (January/February 2023)
- American Nephrology Nurses Association Revised Position Statements: ‘The Role of the Registered Nurse in Nephrology’ and ‘Delegation of Nursing Care Activities’ (January/February 2023)
- The Current State of the Role of the Nephrology Registered Nurse in Home Dialysis Therapies and Future Implications (January/February 2023)
- The Use of Closed Circuit Television Monitoring in Home Dialysis Training (January/February 2023)
- Quality Improvement – Every Nurse's Responsibility (March/April 2022)
- Imagine a World without Nurses – Understanding Our Value and Worth and Upholding the Standards of Our Profession (November/December 2021)
- Who Lives? Who Dies? (September/October 2021)
- It Was the Best of Times…It Was the Worst of Times (July/August 2021)
- The Transformation of Nursing and Health Care – The Stars Have Aligned to Unleash the Power of Nurses (May/June 2021)
- From ‘To Err Is Human’ to ‘Safer Together’ – Progress in Patient Safety (September/October 2020)
- Put on Your Own Oxygen Mask First (July/August 2020)
Historical Perspectives on Nephrology Nursing
Home Dialysis Therapies
- Working With and Not ‘Around’ Nephrology Nurses (March/April 2022)
- The Growing Demand for Home Dialysis Therapies: Challenges and Potential Solutions (March/April 2022)
Nephrology Nursing Work Environment / Mental Health
- Mental Health and Health-Related Quality of Life Among Nephrology Nurses: A Survey-Based Cross-Sectional Study (September/October 2021)
Venous Needle Dislodgement
- Venous Needle Dislodgement and Access-Bloodline Separation (July/August 2021)
- Innovation in COVID-19 Response: ANNA COVID-19 Surge Support Process and Map (July/August 2021)
- Caring for Nephrology Patients and Staff During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experiences of the Northwest Kidney Centers (March/April 2020)
- Pandemic Uncertainty: Considerations for Nephrology Nurses (March/April 2020)
COVID-19 Pandemic: Nephrology Experiences (Series)
- Voices from the Frontlines: Part 4 (January/February 2021)
- Voices from the Frontlines: Part 3 (November/December 2020)
- Voices from the Frontlines: Part 2 (September/October 2020)
- Voices from the Frontlines: Part 1 (July/August 2020)
- Introduction (May/June 2020)
UAP/LVN Scope of Practice
Help ANNA Keep This Scope of Practice Information Current
If you have updated information on scope of practice for RNs, LPNs/LVNs, and PCTs in your state, please email Molly Cahill (mlccnn@gmail.com). Include the information, the source of the information, and a web link to the information in your email.
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Individual Articles Available
Nephrology Nursing Journal is indexed in the following document delivery services, and full-text archives can be obtained through the links provided. Please follow the instructions on the specific website to access articles.
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